Berryessa Creek Walkway

The walkway follows Berryessa Creek through Milpitas. In my neighborhood this includes a reclamation pond. On the other side of the pond is a major freight railroad line and newly added BART rails.

I'm able to walk a few blocks to the pond area and then walk up a flight of steps to the walkway. In one direction the path heads up to and under the Able Street overpass. This is the approximate location of Expert Motorsports where I had my car serviced recently.

There's also a variety of water fowl visiting both the reclamation pond and the creek itself. A couple of these shots include a great blue heron that I didn't notice when I was first taking pictures along the way. Later I found the bird standing along the walkway. He/she decided to leave after I got a bit too close. Looks like an immature critter to me.

Other surprise at the pond itself is a pair of Muscovy Ducks. See this Cornell site for more:

A map of the area: Berryessa_Creek

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1. Local plant life

2. Overlooking the reclamation pond towards the pond's own walkway and up the hill to the Berryessa Creek trail itself.

3. View of the Able Street overpass

4. Berryessa Creek including the great blue heron just to the right of image center

5. In this shot the heron is to the left of image center

6. Possible flood control barrier recently erected

7. Looking along the walkway towards the Able Street Overpass. The trail was recently paved over but only pedestrians and bikes are permitted. Also visiible ahead and to the right is a staircase leading to the reclamation pond (on the right but not visible in this shot)

8. The overpass goes over the freight railroad and BART lines beside the creek.

9. Looking over the pond towards houses on Folsom Circle. My house is to the right of these but is not in this shot.

10. Looking away from the Able Street overpass towards Milpitas Blvd (not visible).

11. The railroad line runs from left to right along the creek here. My new car service shop is on the far side of this view but is not visible here.

12. Here's the remainder of this path after going under the Able Street overpass.

13. Here's a BART train heading from Fremont to Milpitas.

14. The rest of this same train (maybe a dozen cars long).2

15. These are the hills east of Milpitas/San Jose, maybe 2000 feet in elevation.

16. More of the hills.

17. Finally here's the great blue heron waiting for me to get too close.

18. Got too close!

19. One of the staircases from the reclamation pond's level up to the Berryessa Creek Trail.

20. One of our pond's visitors is this solo white duck... somewhat bigger than the mallards.

21. Small group of Canadian geese were also visiting.

22. This is the female Muscovy duck (the male is behind her in a shadow).

23. The male Muscovy duck.3

24. Another shot of the female Muscovy Duck.

25. Another view of the male.

26. Another view of the male.

27. Yet another view of the male and the female.

28. Neighborhood plant life in front of the house next to mine.

